Digital Republic is KR21’s national coordinator for Bulgaria

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Digital Republic is now the Knowledge Rights 21 Programme (KR21) partner for Bulgaria with Ana Lazarova as the national coordinator. 

The KR21 Programme is a Stichting IFLA Foundation Programme, supported by the Arcadia Foundation, in partnership with International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), LIBER Europe and SPARC Europe. It aims to mobilise a strong and sustainable network of copyright advocates, supporting a delivery of a legal and policy reform necessary to achieve a 21st century worthy access to research, education and culture.

KR21’s key objectives include facilitating fair access to eBooks, protecting user rights under copyright legislation, promoting open and flexible copyright norms in Europe to aid research, teaching, and learning and advocating for a legislated scholarly publication.

You can find additional information on the KR21 network of national coordinators here.

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