The European Copyright Reform moves to Bulgarian law


Public consultations on the proposed amendment to the Copyright and Related Rights Act continue until 15 October

On 15 September, the Bulgarian Ministry of Culture published on the Portal for Public Consultations the draft Act amending the Copyright and Related Rights Act (CRAA), which transposes the Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market (DCDSM) into Bulgarian law.

As our readers know, Digital Republic has been involved in the EU copyright reform since the preparatory work for the Directive, and we have subsequently had the opportunity and honour to take an active part in the working group for the DCDSM transposition at the Copyright Directorate of the Ministry of Culture.

We are happy that within the working group the voice of the civil sector, as well as of public interest institutions such as libraries and archives, was heard and a number of solutions promoting freedom of information and access to news, art and culture were adopted.

Of course, there is more to be done! Digital Republic will continue to fight for a better regime for the use of content in the online education process that promotes access to meaningful education and is adequate for Bulgarian conditions, especially in the context of long-distance learning.

We will also continue to fight for improved conditions for publishing user-generated content online – so that the new liability regime for online platforms does not restrict the ability of internet users to communicate, share and inform themselves.

The open public consultation will run for 30 days from 15 September to 15 October 2021. We urge everyone interested in these wide-ranging issues to familiarise themselves with the content of the documents and comment on the reform by 15 October.

The proposal for an AMLD published for public consultation can be found here.

Digital Republic’s (and other interested parties, mainly on the IP rights holders’ side) contributions to the preliminary public consultation on the transposition of the Directive can be found here.

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